Here’s What They Say

Don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what other people have been saying.

Voted ‘Best Newcomer 2013’ at Glastonbury Festival by Mikki Sprosen, Market Manager

Some quotes from our customers:

“OMG fresh salad at Glasto – am I seeing things?”
“Why are you guys sooo happy!”
“Third one I’ve had today”

The Big Review: Glastonbury – in The Irish Times
July 3rd 2013 Una Mullally said:

“The Roast Chicken stand’s amazing pittas. It was their first time at Glasto and only their second ever event, and they would have been the nicest food at the festival had the Thali Cafe’s Kerala chicken curry and samosas not been so delish”

See the article here

Glasto Queue
Glasto Chick

Voted 8th Best Food at Glasto (out of 450)  by Buzzfeed, June 26th 2015

See the article here